Save 1 Pet Sunday
Stop by Dr. Brewlittle’s on Sunday, September 15th from 12-4pm for a couple beers, with $1 from every drink sold donated to homeless pets at AWA! 🍻
Want your pup to join you for meals and adventures to dog-friendly places, but have trouble getting them to behave? AWA will be offering a special session of our Pub Ready Pooch class at Dr. Brewlittle’s at 1pm. This class will teach your dog proper etiquette in public spaces such as restaurants and breweries, and begin correcting unwanted behaviors so you can be confident bringing them along. Our classes offer an engaging and interactive environment to facilitate your dog’s learning experience, providing a solid foundation to build on.
Inkie the Guided One
Always wondered what your dog was thinking and feeling? Inkie will be joining us for Save 1 Pet Sunday to give readings for pups and people. Contact Inkie to book a reading.