P.A.W.S. Organization Agreement Form

Thank you for your interest in partnering with AWA for the mutual benefit of your agency’s clients, learners, students and AWA’s shelter pets and community members.

We look forward to having your agency, school or group volunteer at AWA.

P.A.W.S. Organization Agreement Form


Contact Name(Required)
Is your organization interested in:(Required)

Approximately how many total clients, learners, students would be participating in this partnership:(Required)

Making Enrichment Toys

Following the opening of the new facility in 2022, the PAWS partnership will expand to include activities at our site. For making of enrichment items/toys, would you prefer to make these items:

Following the opening of the new facility in 2022, would you be interested in having your agency’s clients, learners, students sell their “enrichment products” in our retail store?

How often will your agency want to receive the materials necessary to make enrichment items/toys or come on site to volunteer?

Pet Therapy / Interaction Visits

Please specify how often you might request AWA volunteer Pet Therapy/Interaction visits with your clients?

Do you require AWA volunteer Pet Therapy team to be COVID vaccinated in order to visit your facility?

Are there any other restrictions/requirements for our volunteer Pet Therapy teams in order to visit your facility?

On the Job Training

With the opening of the new shelter and education center, there will be opportunities for volunteering within the facility. These volunteer opportunities can provide learning/reinforcing life skills. When/if available, based on the skill level of your agency’s clients, learners, students, would you be interested in more information on: