Rebecca Acevedo
03/07/2022Lynn Fryckberg
03/07/2022Bowman & Company LLP
Dennis Skalkowski currently serves as a Partner at Bowman & Company LLP after joining the Firm in 2003. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Public School Accountant (PSA) licensed to practice in New Jersey. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Rutgers University. His career includes extensive experience with auditing and accounting services of not-for-profit organizations, private schools for the disabled, governmental entities and not-for-profit organizations with audits conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and the Single Audit Act, joint insurance funds, county insurance fund commissions, construction contractors, medical practices, retail, and wholesalers. He also serves as a team member performing peer reviews of other CPA firms. Dennis enjoys travelling, lifting heavy things at the gym, and is avid lover of dogs and cats. In the past he has adopted animals from the AWA and enjoys spending time with his cat John Lennon.