If yes, then please provide details. What were the circumstances of the bite? How severe was the bite? Was skin broken or blood drawn? Have there been multiple incidences of biting? What dates(s) did the bite(s) happen?
Be specific about the behavior and frequency of behavior. Challenging behaviors may include: counter-surfing, mouthing, jumping, destructive in home, anxiety.
Tell us about the symptoms. How long has the dog been experiencing the issue? When you took the dog to a veterinarian, what diagnosis and treatment did they offer?
If you did not obtain the dog as a puppy, then please provide as much information as you are aware of the dog's life before you and how many homes the dog has lived in.
Be specific. Does the dog only interact with cats when he sees them while outside on walks? Or does the dog live in the same house with cat(s)? What is the frequency of the interactions? Please detail the cat(s) in the home. What are their names, size, breed, age, altered status (spayed neutered or intact)? How does the dog react to the cat(s)?
Be specific. Does the dog live in the same house with other dog(s)? What is the frequency of the interactions? Please detail the other dog(s). What are their names, size, breed, age, altered status (spayed, neutered or intact)? Has the dog greeted other dogs on leash, or has he played off leash? What's the dog's play style like?
Be specific. Does the dog live in the same house with the child(ren)? What is the frequency of the interactions? What are the children's ages? How does the dog play with children - are they appropriate or does the dog jump up? Are the kids respectful of the dog's space, or do they like to hang all over the dog?
If yes, then please provide additional information. Is the dog supervised or unsupervised when the jumping/digging occurs? How much time does the dog spend in the yard?
Tell us the particulars. How easily did the dog pick up on cues? How receptive was the dog to training? Was training provided in the home, or was a professional trainer or class used? Are the cues verbal or hand signals or both? If you use a similar but different verbal cue to those above, e.g. "WAIT" instead of "STAY" or "BED" instead of "CRATE" or "OFF" instead of "DOWN" then please write as such above.
Please provide as many specifics as possible regarding these situations and the dog's response.
Be specific. When is the correction occurring in relation to the inappropriate behavior? What is the dog's response to the correction?
If the dog lives in a home with other dogs, where/how is he fed in relation to the other dog?