Due to an unusually high volume of calls we’re receiving at this time, it may take longer than normal to receive a call back. When calling, please leave one (1) voicemail and our staff will get back to you ASAP.
Thank you for your patience.
Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Surgery for Dogs and Cats
Animal Welfare Association has a mission to provide affordable pet care to those in our community. That's why we offer high-quality, low-cost spay and neuter surgeries for dogs and cats right here in our Voorhees, NJ clinic.
At AWA, your pet's health and comfort is our top priority. Our team of highly-trained veterinarians and veterinary technicians will take great care of your pet from the moment they arrive all the way through recovery.
Spaying or neutering a pet has many benefits. You can help alleviate health concerns, problematic behaviors, and reduce their risk of developing certain cancers and other serious diseases by getting your dog or cat spayed or neutered at Animal Welfare Association.
In doing so, you also have a role in fighting pet overpopulation that burdens animal shelters in South Jersey and beyond!
Choose AWA For Your Pet's Surgery
Expert care
Affordable cost
Post-op support
Help homeless pets

Spay & Neuter Pricing
Pricing includes a medical waste disposal fee, an e-collar, plus any applicable sales tax. If an appropriate e-collar or surgical donut pillow is provided at time of surgery drop-off, a credit will be applied to your bill. All e-collars and/or donut collars are subject to veterinary approval. Understand that our veterinary team has your pet’s best interest in mind when making these determinations.

Dog Spay (Female)*
Dogs 1 – 50 lbs: | $245 |
Dogs 51 – 75 lbs: | $290 |
Dogs 76 – 99 lbs: | $320 |
Dogs 100 – 130 lbs: | $370 |

Dog Neuter (Male)*
Dogs 1 – 50 lbs: | $220 |
Dogs 51 – 75 lbs: | $270 |
Dogs 76 – 99 lbs: | $295 |
Dogs 100 – 130 lbs: | $345 |

Cat Spay (Female): | $140 |
Cat Neuter (Male): | $120 |
(This is the cost for both adult cats and kittens.)
*A $40 non-refundable deposit is required at time of booking to secure a spay or neuter surgery appointment
Important Information
You need to have an appointment in order to have your pet spayed or neutered.
Questions? Call the clinic at 856-424-2288. Please be patient: we receive hundreds of phone calls and appointment requests each day, and answer each one in the order received.
Feral cats must be brought into the clinic in a feral trap with a towel over the trap for safety.
Please note: All pets 7 years of age and older require blood work prior to surgery. Surgery must be performed within 30 days of bloodwork.
At the time of surgery AWA requires proof that dogs and cats are current with their Distemper (DAPPv/FVRCP) and Rabies vaccinations. If you cannot provide this or your pet needs these vaccinations AWA will provide them at an additional expense. Bring your pets current vaccination records with you at the time of check-in. Rabies vaccination proof must be in certificate form, a rabies tag does not qualify.
Due to rising costs of Medical Waste Collection, we must add a surcharge of $3 per pet/ per appointment for most medical appointments.
Pre-Surgery Instructions:
“Check-in time is 7:30am for cats, 8:00am for dogs. Pick-up time is 3:30pm for dogs and 4:30pm for cats the same afternoon. Everyone is given the same time so please plan for a short wait.
- The Clinic closes at 5pm. If you pick up between 5pm and 6pm you will be charged a $20 late fee. If you pick up between 6pm and 7pm you will be charged a $40 late fee.
- Payment is due at check-in. Cash (exact change) is requested, please. We also accept credit/debit cards. NO CHECKS.
- At the time of surgery AWA requires proof that dogs and cats are current with their Distemper (DAPPv/FVRCP) and Rabies vaccinations. If you cannot provide this or your pet needs these vaccinations AWA will provide them at an additional expense. Bring your pets current vaccination records with you at the time of check-in. Rabies vaccination proof must be in certificate form, a rabies tag does not qualify.
- All cats must be in a secure carrier- one cat per carrier.
- All dogs must be on a leash- NO RETRACTABLE LEASHES. Please walk dogs before entering the building.
- No retractable leashes.
- Must have training collar or loop lead.
- Schedule only one dog per day per family.
- If your dog is too much of a handful for you to safely handle alone, please bring help.
- No food for adult animals (older than 6 months) after 6:00pm the night before surgery.
- No food for puppies/kittens (younger than 6 months) after 12:00 midnight the night before surgery.
Post Surgery Instructions:
- Feed your pet a small meal and water when you get home. Do not be alarmed if s/he doesn’t eat the first day.
- Your pet may be drowsy from the anesthesia. This may last 24-48 hours depending on the individual animal. Some animals may shiver or vomit. Call us on the surgical line if vomiting is excessive or continues for more than 24 hours.
- Keep your pet in the house. Do not allow your pet to run around the yard for seven days. Debris, dirt, germs, or damage from flies could harm the surgical area. We suggest walking dogs on the leash for the first week.
- Confine cats to one small room for the first night. Separate them from other animals and small children. Your pet may not feel like playing the first night. Keep cats inside for one week.
- We suggest placing shredded newspaper on top of the kitty litter for three days. This prevents the litter from sticking to the incision.
- Female animals may have some swelling under the incision due to an internal layer of absorbable sutures.
- Male cats do not have any visible external suture.
- Male animals may experience a fluid buildup in the scrotum which contained the testicles.
- If there is excessive swelling, call the surgical line.
- Pets should be observed for licking or chewing at the stitches. If your pet licks or chews at the stitches an e-collar is recommended. It must extend three inches past the tip of the nose.
- Do not bathe your pet for one week, as this can damage the sutures. Pets should not have flea baths, powders or flea collars put on them for one week.
- Your pet will gradually return to his/her normal activity level over 2-4 days.