AWA Kitten Client Care Form

AWA Kitten Client Care Form

If no, then you may not be placed on the Wait-list until after the kittens are born. There is no guarantee we will be accepting new kittens for the Wait-list at that point, and you are assuming that risk. Your other option is to have the mom cat spayed.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Guardian's Name:(Required)
For example, found outside, your pet cat gave birth, etc. If your pet cat has given birth, then please ask us about our Spay Your Mommy program! If you found the kittens outside, then we would be happy to give you more information about TNR – Trap Neuter Return - for the parent cats.
If outdoors, then we highly recommend bringing the kittens indoors as soon as possible to begin the socialization process. This will give the kittens a much better chance of passing their behavior evaluation, which is a necessary step of our surrender process. Kittens left outdoors past 4-6 weeks are less likely to pass the behavior evaluation and to come into the shelter. An excellent option is to keep the kittens in your bathroom or a small bedroom, with the necessities - litter box, food, water, toys and a small scratching post. Most people who find kittens but have their own pets go with this setup. They keep the door to the kitten's room shut thereby ensuring their own pets and the kittens are kept separated. We will be more than happy to email you tips on helping socialize the kittens so they learn people are not scary.
If yes, then be specific. What were the circumstances surrounding the bite? When did the bite occur? Was there broken skin or blood drawn?
If yes, please describe the circumstances and when the event occurred.
For example, wounds, eye infections, limping, thinning or patchy hair loss.