Kitten Shower
Kitten Season is Upon Us!
Cats can have kittens any time of year, but in the warm months, the number of kittens born alarmingly increases, flooding the shelter with homeless litters. The need for foster families and specialized supplies also increases dramatically. Our annual Kitten Shower is a multifaceted effort to prepare and care for these vulnerable little ones. Here are the ways you can help:
-Come to our in-person Kitten Shower. Bring a gift for our kittens and learn about caring for them from AWA Senior Veterinarian, Dr. Emily Seidl and Foster & Transport Coordinator, Cole Ogren. This could be the first step in becoming a kitten foster parent!
-Make a monetary donation to the AWA
-Choose to gift our kittens from our Amazon Kitten Wishlist
Your gift means:
– Help for kittens to THRIVE, not just survive with High-calorie kitten kibble, formula & supplements
– Relief from parasite infestations.
– 2nd Chances with antibiotics, a warm incubator and round the clock medical care.
Not to mention all of the towels, blankets, wet wipes, sheets, gloves, feeding syringes, special litter, carriers and SO MUCH MORE!
Interested in learning how to become more involved as an AWA foster family?
Email to learn more. We hope to see you there!